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Small Talk: Details On The Bathroom Reno, Buffalo Check + Plans for 2020


Happy January! ...I know, we're already on day 9 but you know what? The Holidays flew by and I still can't believe it's January.

This past week Nathan tackled the demo in our hall bathroom and my mind has been non-stop with ideas for this space. I started putting all my ideas down on paper, talked with Nathan about it last night & lets just say, I'm excited. Actually, let me rephrase that - we're excited. Nathan always surprises me with his excitement for home projects. I do have to say, demoing a bathroom... especially a cast iron tub, is NO JOKE. But now that everything is out of there... I can really envision what I want it to look like. Does that happen to anyone else? Sometimes I can't solidify a plan until I see it as a blank slate.

We've also received some push back on this project... like, "why are you re-doing a perfectly good bathroom?" I get it, I get it. I touched on this briefly in my Instagram stories this past week, but to recap we had some moisture on one of the walls... that is what snowballed this entire project. And yes, it's snowballed... it went from a quick bathroom refresh, new countertop, hardware and plumbing fixtures to a full on gut job. Oye. Funny story though, there was no sign of moisture once we removed the drywall. We're a little stumped but we think we finally figured it out. Back in the day (…… like the 60's when our house was built) they used to do this "genius" thing called ductless vents. Its where they would put a return vent but not connect it to anything... but they would make sure an HVAC run was close by, so it could in-take *some* of the air. We think we had fresh air coming into that wall and because of a different in temperature, the wall was sweating on the bathroom side. Nathan's going to try and connect that return to the HVAC run and hopefully that fixes it.

Meanwhile, while we're living with one bathroom, all my Christmas decorations are still up. So, do you know what I'm doing tonight? Taking down Christmas décor... I know, I know - wild Friday evening. I'm really looking forward to our house feeling less cluttered though and getting back to a clean slate.

Earlier this week, I mentioned that I wasn't going to be sharing "project goals" this year or setting any resolutions. It's something I did in the beginning of 2019 and truthfully, it gave me a little bit of anxiety throughout the year... I guess it was the thought of "having to get it all done" or "stay on track". Instead, I've decided to attach a word to my year and I'm hoping that will set the tone for a more relaxed year. My word for 2020? It's Intention. I haven't decided if I'm going to share more about why I decided to take this route, this year... or why I chose that word, we'll see. I may share a more personal blog post about that next week.


For now, let's talk about fun things from this week :

  • You guys were loving on my new coat this week. When I showed Nathan, he pointed out that Boone and I now match... I swear it wasn't planned, but I forgot I bought Boone this coat earlier in the season and now Nathan has dared me to walk Boone wearing our matching coats. I guess I'm officially "that" dog owner.

  • While we were in Florida for Christmas, I bought a pair of these sneakers. I previously had a pair of these slip on ones that desperately needed to be replaced. I didn't want the same style because I hated that I couldn't wear socks with them... well, let me introduce you to the mid-rise style. I thought they only offered high tops! How did I not know this style existed? I love em.

  • We celebrated Christmas with my family after the New Year and when we all got together, they introduced Nathan and I to this game - we played boys vs. girls and had a blast. Plus, I like that it's based off Blockbuster... are you old enough to know what that is? Blockbuster or Redbox... the answer can really show someone's age, haha.

  • I've been looking at lighting for the bathroom... non-stop - and how fun are these?! Not sure if we'll have room for them, but I'm diggin' them.

  • Here is a sneak peek of the vessel sink we ordered for the bathroom. It's a stone sink and I am so excited about it! I haven't tested this yet (since it's not installed) but it says that you can literally sand/buff out stains... I'm all for this feature since our last sink was a stain magnet & wouldn't let them go.

  • I went down an Etsy rabbit hole the other day and found the cutest art shop! If you have a pet, you'll want to check it out.

Talk soon friends,




© 2019 by Kayleigh Scholten - Our Well Designed Life

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