Home Office Makeover - Spring 2019
The finish line is quickly approaching and I feel like Nathan will pass me the batton soon. Nathan typically tackles the beginning of projects; building things, installing things, painting, etc. Then I come in a put together all the finishing touches - #teamwork.
Here's the recap of our reno plan and a run down of what we accomplished this week! I had to add a few line items to the reno plan... realized I left a few things off before!
The Reno Plan:
DONE Nathan is going to build a wall to wall floating desk
DONE Install paneling around the entire room
DONE Paint the paneling a bold color - paint compliments of Clare Paint @clarepaint
Install new window treatments - compliments of Alva Window Treatments @helloalvacom
DONE Install new lighting - compliments of Troy Lighting @troylighting
DONE Replace the carpet
DONE Shiplap the inside of the closets - all walls and ceiling (stain the shiplap)
Organize the inside of the closet
Panel the ceiling with wood - still optional at this point
Install shelving inside of the closet
DONE Purchase accessories & furniture
DONE Install electrical strip & outlets on top of desk
Install wall sconce & art work
Touch up paint on paneling
The first things first, I have to say, I honestly have an amazing husband. Not only did he build this huge, beautiful, custom desk for us - but he SURPRISED me (complete surprise) with a new Mac Desktop as an early birthday present. I've been talking about how I need a new computer because I've had my laptop since I started college... in 2008! (yikes) I mentioned numerous times that I wanted a Mac Desktop but he knew I would never pull the trigger on it. I have an issue purchasing large items (expensive items) for myself.... so I'm completely blown away that he did this.... but I'm also super excited to have this new computer to help me grow on this little venture I've started!!

Anyways, enough bragging about Nathan... Here's what we were able to check off the list this week!
#1 - Build a floating desk (INSTALLED)
Last week this was partially completed but this week we get to check it off the list! Nathan worked SO hard on this desk and it shows... it turned out absolutely amazing. Nathan sanded the boards after clamping and screwing them together. From there, he stained the desk & once it dried (partially) we brought it into the room.

Getting it into the space was pretttttyyy comical. That table top is a BEAST & SO HEAVY. I also say "partially" dry because after I helped him carry it into the room, I had stain all over my shirt, arms and hands - haha whoops. Once it was in the space, we let it dry (completely) and then Nathan applied poly the top surface. Nathan applied 3 coats of poly to ensure it was as smooth as possible - he would apply the poly, allow it to dry, sand it with his orbital sander using 220 grit paper and then do it all over again... three times total. Let me tell you, it feels like butter & looks like we paid a lot of money to have it custom made! ... but we didn't! It's probably the least expensive thing in the room!
#5 - Install New Light Fixture
This was something that was also partially completed last week - meaning the light was delivered but not installed. Well, it's installed now and so beautiful! Last week I talked about how excited I was to have one room in the house without a ceiling fan.... and I couldn't be more happy with how this turned out.

Although, for some reason, light fixtures are always such a pain for us to install - something always goes wrong or we can't figure something out... and when I say we can't figure something out, I'm referring to how the light goes together, nothing with running electrical or connecting the light. The same thing happened with this light fixture - we honestly spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how the canopy fit together!! …..But we figured it out and it's up and beautiful!
#11 - Purchase ALL the Things
I love making over a space.... I hate buying all the things to do it - who's with me?
This past week, we purchased two new office chairs, bins and baskets for the inside of the closet, ordered the window treatments & ordered more brackets for additional shelving in the closet. There are still a few things I need to order, like artwork and a few things from Ikea - but after that, I'm hoping we will be done swiping those cards!

Once the office is complete, I'm going to write up a separate blog post with sources for everything in the space!
#12 - Install Electrical Strip & Outlets
Of course, Nathan had to upgrade our desktop & install circular outlets in the corners of the desktop - so we can easily plug in small electronics. I'm not complaining - I love when things are seamless and functional.
He also installed a long electrical strip to the under side of the desk, so we can run our computer cords under there and alllllll the cords will be nice and hidden. HALLELUJAH! He knows the way to my heart.

Next week, I'm hoping the closet will be organized, most of the furniture will be in it's place and I can start hanging the artwork! ….Although, I should probably figure out what artwork I'm using in the space before I start talking about installing it. Anyone else get ahead of themselves??
As always, make sure you're following along on Instagram for daily updates of the office project (click here to follow along) and subscribe to the blog so that you won't miss an update post! There are so many people/designers working towards the end goal of finishing a room in 6 weeks - it's so cool, so head over to the One Room Challenge Blog to check out all the other amazing designers & accounts participating!
Talk soon!