Home Office Makeover - Spring 2019
It's officially Week 2 of the One Room Challenge and we have definitely made some progress! As a recap, here is the breakdown of our "renovation" plan and if you make it to the end of this post, you'll be witness to some of the shocking before photos of this space & you'll understand why I never shared any photos of this room before!
The Reno Plan:
Nathan is going to build a wall to wall floating desk
Install paneling around the entire room
Paint the paneling a bold color - paint compliments of Clare Paint @clarepaint
Install new window treatments - compliments of Alva Window Treatments @helloalvacom
Install new lighting - compliments of Troy Lighting @troylighting
Replace the carpet
Shiplap the inside of the closets - all walls and ceiling (stain the shiplap)
Organize the inside of the closet
Panel the ceiling with wood - still optional at this point
In the past week, we have completed #2 and #7 on our reno plan - #2 was honestly the biggest challenge and required the most work & #7 was already half way complete!
#2 - Install Paneling
On Wednesday last week, we started installing the vertical pieces for the paneling and then Nathan finished installing them on Thursday. I received a few questions on how we figured out the spacing for those vertical pieces and while I'm not very good at math - this is how Nathan and I figured it out.

On Friday, I put up the peel & stick paint samples from Clare Paint and asked my Instagram friends to help us decide on a color - and you all came through for us! We were struggling between dark blue or dark gray... I ordered the paint yesterday and I cannot wait to receive it - we plan on painting this weekend! (tune into my Instagram account to see what colors chose!)

In between, when we had time, Nathan puttied the nail holes and patched some imperfections on our walls. I helped sand down the trim pieces but ultimately, on Monday, Nathan used his orbital sander and sanded the shiplap in the closet and any of the trim pieces that weren't sitting flush.
On Tuesday, Nathan caulked ALLLL the paneling and new window trim - he said that was the most work so far.... he doesn't like caulking (hah!) He also started to prime the paneling - but that will be finished this weekend.
#7 - Install Shiplap for Closet & Stain
Since we started this project a week prior to the ORC starting, Nathan had already installed the shiplap. On Monday this week, he sanded it all down and then we stained it together. This part of the design was actually Nathan's idea and I am so happy he came up with it and how it turned out!
Originally, we weren't going to add wood to the inside of the cased opening, but ultimately we decided it would look better than keeping that area white - I think it created a more unique space; which is exactly what we were going for.

If you already follow me on Instagram, then you may have heard that Nathan scored a table saw on Facebook Marketplace for $175.00! I was so happy when he told me, because he has needed one for awhile, and now that he has one - building our huge floating desk will be much easier!!
Something else that we tackled this week, was pick out new carpeting for the office. We had someone come out to the house on Monday, with samples, and quickly decided on what we wanted. It was the easiest thing so far! We decided to use a commercial grade carpet, so that it would be very compact and wouldn't wear down as much if we decide to use rolling chairs. We went with a very neutral, light color & it's being installed next Thursday - I can't wait!
And as promised... here are the lovely and beautiful before photos. Wasn't she a beauty??!

As always, make sure you're following along on Instagram for daily updates of the office project (click here to follow along) and subscribe to the blog so that you won't miss an update post! There are so many people/designers working towards the end goal of finishing a room in 6 weeks - it's so cool, so head over to the One Room Challenge Blog to check out all the other amazing designers & accounts participating!

Talk soon!