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One Room Challenge - Week 1

Home Office Makeover - Spring 2019


I don't think anyone realizes how excited I am that we are finally tackling the office space... as I sit here, on our couch... with my laptop on my lap (as usual).... my legs get hot from the heat, my back hurts from sitting in the same position for too long & Boone continues to thinks my laptop is a pillow.... I just think to myself, "in five short weeks, you'll have your own desk and work space - just five short weeks!!"

If I'm being honest though... this project will probably be done in less than five weeks. I think it's a running joke with most of you now that Nathan works so fast (hah!) - I posted an Instagram story that we installed new trim and received a few messages saying "the office will be completed in a week" or "the office will be done tomorrow". I think it's hilarious because it's semi true! Nathan is on-call for work most days, so he has a lot of time to work on projects when we are in the middle of one. I love it and hate it... I love it because he gets a lot done, but hate it because he makes a lot of progress while I'm at work and I can't document it!

We've lived in our house for almost two years and since we moved in, I've wanted a space where I could work on my computer (comfortably), a space where we could organize all our files & a space that looked beautiful while giving me all those things - well, cue the office reno!

On top of all that, I also knew that I wanted to participate in the One Room Challenge. Since the day I discovered it, I was drawn to the idea behind it. I think the online design community is amazing and watching the tranformations every Spring and Fall has given me so much inspiration - so, needless to say, I've been paitently waiting for a chance to guest participate!

Just like with every project, I plan everything out in my head for weeks before we begin. Here are some of the inspiration photos that I gravitated towards on Pinterest & Instagram before diving into designing the space & small details. Two of these photos are actually from @mintandpinedesign - they renovated their office and I remember watching the whole transformation and thinking "this is what I want!" - major goals.

If you've been following along on Instagram, then you already know that we started the renovation a week early - we did this for two reasons:

  1. Nathan really wanted to start... sometimes he gets that itch to start a house project & hey, I'm not going to stop him!

  2. We actually have a busy weekend coming up & we probably won't have much time to work on the room - so this gave us an opportunity to make up for that lost time.

Once I had a general idea of the direction I wanted the space to go - I started talking to Nathan about it and asked him to help me brainstorm some more ideas. Believe it or not, Nathan usually has some of the best ideas when it comes to our projects & I'm not shy about giving him that credit!

I knew that I wanted to include the following items:

  1. a long floating desk that we could both sit at & utilize

  2. paneling/board & batten around the perimeter of the room

  3. new window treatments

  4. some type of file storage in the closet

  5. install a new chandelier type light - get rid of the fan

  6. replace the carpet with new carpet or a wood-look flooring (to match our existing)

Nathan's ideas once we started discussing the project: *a lot of them require wood & building things - shocking*

  1. shiplap the inside of the closet & stain it

  2. add floating shelves & custom built storage in the closet

  3. panel the ceiling with wood and stain it

The Reno Plan:

  1. Nathan is going to build a wall to wall floating desk

  2. Install paneling around the entire room

  3. Paint the paneling a bold color - paint compliments of Clare Paint @clarepaint

  4. Install new window treatments - compliments of Alva Window Treatments @helloalvacom

  5. Install new lighting - compliments of Troy Lighting @troylighting

  6. Replace the carpet

  7. Shiplap the inside of the closets - all walls and ceiling (stain the shiplap)

  8. Organize the inside of the closet

  9. Panel the ceiling with wood - still optional at this point

Here is the mood board for the office /

Most of the products that I plan on purchasing for this project:

If you're interested in any of the products that you see in the mood board, they're all linked in the text underneath the photo!

Make sure you're following along on Instagram for daily updates of the office project (click here to follow along) and subscribe to the blog so that you won't miss an update post! Also, head over to the One Room Challenge Blog to check out all the other amazing designers & accounts participating!

Talk soon!




© 2019 by Kayleigh Scholten - Our Well Designed Life

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