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Life Lately + What's In My Amazon Cart


As always, HAPPY FRIDAY! It's always such a relief when this glorious day arrives... and now there's even more of a reason to celebrate - welcome to the new Blog Series, "Life Lately"

Every Friday, Danae (@thehomebodyhouse) and I will be dishing out all the boring... I mean exciting things that happened over the week + diving into the topic of the week! This week's topic... what's in our Amazon Cart - because lets face it, everyone does it. You add ALL THE THINGS to your cart but have no idea when ALL THOSE THINGS will be purchased.... it's more of a Wish List (in my opinion). So, once your done reading up on my life & my Amazon wants and needs... head over to Danae's blog and do it all over again!

I know you're just dying to know what I "store" in my Amazon cart... but first things first! Here's what's going on in our "life lately" -

> Organization has been on my mind A LOT this past week - I'm constantly looking at our closets/underneath our bathroom cabinets and hating how cluttered everything looks. Who's ready for a Spring cleaning session? (Hint: I am! And I'll be sharing a bunch of organization tips soon!)

> I finally purchased/installed the rest of the drapery rings for our front room curtains (hallelujah!) I must say... I love how it looks. There is nothing I love more than a simple update that doesn't break the bank... now I'm thinking I need to hem those curtains - stay tuned for that. I was going to try to hem them myself... but my Dad says I should just take them to Dry Cleaners and let them do it for me (haha!)

> I received an amazing art print from Linton Art.... and I am IN LOVE with the uniqueness of it-it’s truly stunning. I plan on pairing it with my favorite Ikea frame & hanging it our entry. If you're not familiar with Erik's work - I encourage you to check him out! @linton_art

> Our March weekends are already looking quite full... this weekend we are hosting our first "Game Night" at our house! We invited a bunch of our closest friends & we're excited to have a chill night of adults playing card/board games and {hopefully} laughing entirely too much! What are your favorite games to play with large groups of people?

What's In My Amazon Cart?

A lot of random things... let me tell you!

Click on any item in the collage to instantly shop it!

Remember how I said my Amazon Cart is more like my "Wish List" ? Well, even though I have a bunch of {random} things in my cart... here are the five things that I've had my eye on for awhile... maybe they'll end up at my front door sooner than I thought?!

> This Face Oil - I have heard nothing but raving reviews about this! And if I'm being honest, I have been struggling with hormonal acne lately... so, I'm really wanting to try this and see how it works. Have you heard of this oil?

> This Book - I know, I'm late to the party on this one... but now that we have our fireplace, I need a good book to curl up and sit in front of the fire with!

> This Kleenex Box Cover - tell me it is not the cutest thing you've ever seen?! And it's only FIVE DOLLARS.

> These little plant stands! I'm shocked I haven't purchased them yet.... they are speaking my language!

> This graphic t-shirt..... but if I'm being honest, any graphic t-shirt. I live in them on the weekends & Amazon is a great place to purchase inexpensive ones! In the Winter I throw a cardigan on over them with leggings & in the Summer I throw a pair of distressed jean shorts on with them. Add a baseball cap and you're golden!

Above are the thirteen... yes, THIRTEEN, items in my cart.... What's the most random thing you have in your Amazon Cart??

Talk Soon -




© 2019 by Kayleigh Scholten - Our Well Designed Life

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