AND WE'RE BACK! sharing small accounts that deserve all the love! It's no easy task to grow on Instagram... or any social channels for that matter; but lately, I feel like it's been extra difficult! (dang algorithm)
And if you're new around here... you should know that this topic is pretty near and dear to me - because everyone has to start somewhere & putting yourself out there, especially on social media, for everyone to see and judge is a scary thing! (trust me... I struggled with it for awhile). I commend anyone who decides to try their luck at this whole "Instagram", "influencer" thing... it's tough & sometimes discouraging!
These accounts that I'm sharing provide endless inspiration and I look forward to following along with their projects. I am always SO thankful when people share my account or a project we have completed, it's helped me grow my account to where it is today & there is no greater compliment... so I am happily sharing these accounts with you today! They all have great visions, killer style and work just as hard as the large accounts with thousands or millions of followers!
@houseoffayes - Shawne Faye - current following: 776
Shawne's home is filled with bright whites and natural light - everyone's dream (haha). She recently renovated her bathroom and it turned out amazing! Plus, her butcher block countertops make my heart flutter... you all know how we love a good wood countertop! Make sure to check her out and follow along with all her DIY's - big and small!

@downsouth_deco - Haley Milam - current following: 1,040
Let me introduce you to Haley... a girl after my moody heart! Does her home not look like the most inviting and coziest place??! If you're craving some good Fall vibes... head over to her feed and hit that follow button -- I promise you won't be disappointed! She also *very* recently hit 1K followers - so lets keep her momentum going!!

@southofgrant - Kristie & Blake - current following: 329
Kristie and Blake are renovating their 1930's home! I love watching people bring new life to old homes... it makes me SO happy! But what really made me hit that "follow" button, was the shed that they built from scratch! Yes... that gorgeous shed you see below... they MADE THAT. So, if that's not a good enough reason to head over to their account, I don't know what is.

@houseofnessinteriors - Jessica Ness - current following: 1,113
Jessica's home is neutral heaven! And she makes it look good with kiddos too - which is always a huge achievement! Her home is eclectic and warm - follow along with her design journey!

I hope you take a moment to check out each of these accounts and follow along with their journey (if you feel inclined to!)
Talk soon, friends!